
Boulder Garden

Photo: Chris Ocker

At the Boulder Garden, your safety is our top priority. To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone, we require all climbers and visitors to adhere to the following safety guidelines:

1. General Gym Rules:

**Waiver Requirement:** All participants must sign a waiver before climbing. For participants under 18, a parent or legal guardian must sign.

**Supervised Children:** Children under the age of 14 must be directly supervised by an adult or guardian at all times.

**Respect for Others:** Be courteous to other climbers and respect personal space. No running, horseplay, or disruptive behavior in the climbing areas.

**No Climbing Under the Influence:** Climbing under the influence of drugs or alcohol is strictly prohibited.

2. Bouldering Specific Rules:

**Fall Zone Awareness:** Be aware of climbers above you. Do not stand or walk under other climbers.

**Spotting:** Always use proper spotting techniques when climbing with a partner, and make sure to communicate before offering assistance.

**Topping out:** On routes that allow for top outs, complete the route entirely and walk directly to the ship’s ladder.

**Ship’s Ladder decent:** Never climb up the ship’s ladder. To safely climb down, face towards the ladder and step down one step at a time, keeping both hands on the railing at all times.

**Down Climbing:** Whenever possible, use controlled down climbing instead of jumping from the top of boulders to reduce the risk of injury.

3. Use Safety Equipment:

**Proper Footwear:** Climbing shoes are required on all climbing surfaces. No bare feet or open-toed shoes.

**Chalk Use:** Please use the provided liquid chalk dispensers. Liquid or loose chalk is allowed but must be used responsibly. Clean or vacuum any excess chalk from holds or floors.

4. Reporting Incidents and Injuries:

**Report Injuries:** If an injury occurs, even a minor one, report it to staff immediately.

**First Aid:** First aid kits are available in the front of the building, on the main floor. In case of a severe injury, emergency services will be contacted.

5. Staff Instructions:

**Follow Staff Guidelines:** Always follow instructions from the gym staff regarding safety protocols and appropriate use of equipment.

**Route Setting:** Only authorized personnel are allowed to set routes or modify the climbing walls.

6. Climbing Etiquette:

**Respect the Routes:** Don’t tamper with or modify holds. If you notice loose or damaged holds, inform the staff.

**Rest Areas:** Use designated rest areas for stretching or resting, not in active climbing zones.

**Climbing mats:** Congregation on the climbing mats is prohibited. For spectating, use designated seating options on the perimeter of the mats.

**Attire:** Shirts and close toed shoes are required at all times in the gym.

7. Hygiene and Cleanliness:

**Hand Hygiene:** Climbers are encouraged to wash their hands before and after climbing to maintain hygiene and minimize chalk dust.

**Climbing shoes in the bathroom:** Climbing shoes are not permitted in any of the bathrooms. 

**Keep the Gym Clean:** Dispose of waste properly and ensure your gear and personal belongings are stored in designated areas.

**By following these safety rules, we can create a safe, fun, and supportive environment for everyone.**